Tuesday, November 30, 2010

All Hail Cezar

Cezar is the ultimate classic heel -- vicious, nasty, arrogant and sexy as hell. This Canadian bad boy (5 ft., 9 in., 235 pounds) has been wrestling for 10 years and has made appearances in over a dozen federations in Calgary and Alberta. He also tried out for WWE last year and was an extra talent on Monday Night RAW. Watch clips of his matches and video montages on  his Cezar Wrestling Channel on YouTube.

Monday, November 29, 2010

FCW (Then)

Here are a few older photos from Florida Championship Wrestling featuring Mason Ryan (aka Barri Griffiths/Gladiator Goliath) and Tyler Reks. Note the smaller venue and crowd.

Sexy Peter White

You've got to have chutzpah (and a great body) to make the word "Sexy" a part of your ring name and methinks Austrian wrestler Peter White has the right to call himself that. See for yourself (Check out those sheer black square-cuts with the printed thong underneath!). For more on Sexy Peter White, read his interview in The Wrestling Clothesline or check out his official website.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tag Team Flashback

Remember these hot tag teams from the 80s/90s/early 00s?
The Can-Am Connection (Tom Zenk, Rick Martel)

The American Males - Marcus Bagwell, Scotty Riggs
Young Stallions (Paul Roma, Jim Powers)

Smoking Gunns (Billy & Bart Gunn)
The Dicks

Strong vs. Aries

From Ring Of Honor, October 2010. Photos by Scott Finkelstein.
Roderick Strong

Austin Aries

Save The Date

Dec. 4, 2010. Texas National Guard Armory. It's for a good cause. Support independent pro wrestling!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mark Haskins

Here's British wrestler Mark Haskins vs. Max Moody in an ASW match held last October 28. Photos by Tony Knox.

Friday, November 26, 2010

I, Claudio

It's been a while since we've seen Claudio Castignoli on this blog; here are a few shots of him at an October 2 TV taping event for Ring Of Honor.  It doesn't look like he wrestled in the event, but he sure  makes a pretty hot (and nasty) referee. Photos by Scott Finkelstein.