Monday, February 28, 2011

Titus O'Neill

WWE/FCW beefcake Titus O'Neill (born Thaddeus Bullard) is a former college and pro football player who made his television debut in pro wrestling in January 2010. 33 year old O'Neill stands 6 ft. 4 in. and weighs close to 270 pounds.


Oh Romeo!

Check out Romeo Roselli in this OCW match against Sigmon from a few years back-- pure beefcake! Watch the clip here.

Beefcakes In Action

Drew Haskins vs. a piƱata?

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Joe's Keen Eye

Trust Joe, blogger extraordinaire of Ringside At Skull Island to spot the hottest new talent in pro wrestling. A couple of days ago, Joe posted some fine pics of indie wrestler Lane Vasser. Lane (6 ft. 3 in., 238 lbs.) was born in Lawrenceville, Georgia and currently wrestles for NWA Anarchy. See more of Lane in Joe's blog here.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Samuray Sunday

Here are more pics of luchador Samuray Del Sol. The man is, if not anything, flexible; check out the last photo.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Kenneth Cameron vs Seth Rollins (Part 2)

Here's the last batch of photos of Kenneth and Seth (formerly Brandon T and Tyler Black respectively) that Jim from Chicago took when he attended some Florida Championship Wrestling shows last week. Seth won this match. (Jim just emailed another batch of Kenneth Cameron photographs. Those will be up soon.)

Nice one, Jim. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

EXCLUSIVE! Kenneth Cameron vs Seth Rollins (Part 1)

I just got an email from Jim from Chicago; he's back from sunny Florida and boy, has he got a treat for us. Jim attended an FCW show recently and took these fantastic shots of British-import Kenneth Cameron (aka Brandon T) in a match against former ROH headliner Tyler Black (now going by the moniker Seth Rollins). Oh to be have been in Jim's shoes that day. Thanks a million, Jim!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Dupree's Skin Art

Here's Rene Dupree showing off his tattoos in Germany. What do you think of his tats?