Saturday, March 31, 2012

Picture Of The Week

Appealing or Appalling? You make the call.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Two Words: Jo Atlas

See more of Jo vs Phenomenal Khent here.

French wrestler/bodybuilder Jo Atlas (aka Johann Fehd Karouani)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Va-Va-Von Erichs

One of this blog's readers generously shared these pictures she found online of brothers Ross and Marshall Von Erich, offspring of the legendary Kevin Von Erich. Both boys are currently in Japan wrestling and training with the Pro NOAH organization. Ross is certainly one to keep an eye on. The younger Marshall (6 ft. 4 in., 240 pounds and only 19 years old) isn't too shabby either. Papa Kevin must be so proud.
Ross Von Erich

Marshall Von Erich

With Harley Race (right)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Rocky Road

Here's Australian wrestler Rocky Menero in some file pics taken for Melbourne Championship Wrestling. To see more pics of Rocky on this blog, click on the label below.

Rocky and his trademark lollipop.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Striker Scandal

Why am I learning about this only now? Apparently, back in 2009, some revealing pictures of Matt Striker were leaked online by a former partner. The cell phone pictures were allegedly taken by the former high school teacher and were sent to someone who then felt the need to share them with a celebrity gossip site.  At the time this happened, Matt was a commentator for ECW, one of WWE's brands.

Backstage with the boys.

Surrounded by beefcake.

Here are some relatively recent pics of Matt back in action in New York. Can't say I like his choice of ring gear, but I'm glad he's wrestling again.