Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Ram

Aries, meaning ram, is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac (March 21 to April 20). People born under this sign are said to be very energetic, courageous, sharp and quick-minded, fiery and warm, passionate and expressive. They can also be self-centered at times and prone to being quick-tempered. TNA wrestler Austin Aries was born on April 15. Energetic? Yes. Passionate? About pro wrestling, yes. Expressive? Oh yes. See for yourself.

"Bro, put down the phone and wrestle!"

Viva Zapata

Today's Beefcake of Wrestling isn't a pro wrestler, he's a referee. Yes, it's WWE's Rod Zapata (5 ft. 6. in., 156 pounds). When Rod told Matt Striker in an interview that he disapproved of referee Brad Maddox's behavior, I was hoping he and Brad would feud and have a referee vs referee match. Alas, Maddox won't return to WWE until early next year and he probably won't be refereeing matches anymore.  Or will he?

Occupational Hazard

Occupational Benefit

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Scene Stealers

Here's a three-man tag team match between Caleb Konley and Scott Reed (aka The Scene) plus  Cheech versus Chuck Taylor, Orange Cassidy, and Drew Gulak. This match took place on November 3 in Voorhees, New Jersey as part of Dragon Gate USA's "Uprising 2012" show. The Scene and Cheech lost to their opponents. (Photos by Scott Finkelstein)
That's a pretty suggestive ring entrance.

Caleb Konley

Scott Reed

Cheech has his hands full!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Looking Back At Lewington

Jim from Chicago has been supplying this blog with dozens of fantastic photos he's taken over the years. Here's a batch featuring UK wrestler Steve Lewington (aka DJ Gabriel) from 2009. Jim writes: "
Here are some shots I took of Steve Lewington back in August 2009.  The show was called "End of Summer Bash" held at the Osceola Heritage Park in Kissimmee, Florida.  This was a 6 man tag match and Steve's partners were Johnny Curtis and David Otunga.  I can't remember the lucky opponents however they weren't so lucky when it came to winning the match." Thanks for the great work, Jim! Looking forwardto your next contribution.

Is that Rod Zapata refereeing the match?