Friday, May 30, 2014

Pompous and Condescending

Who's in the mood for some Matt Striker? Here's the former WWE Superstar in a match for IWC's Night of Superstars 3 event held on April 12 in Meadville, PA. Striker's opponent was Bobby Fish. ICW reports on its website that "Bobby Fish proved in his own right that there's life after Team Big League defeating the pompous and condescending Matt Striker."

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Beefcakes In Action : On The Ropes

One of the things that makes pro wrestling different (and better IMO) than other contact sports is the fact that the participants can use a part of the "equipment" during a bout. I'm referring to the ropes that are supposed to keep all the action inside the squared circle. You won't see boxers or MMA fighters employing the ropes or a part of the ring to gain an advantage over their opponents. But in wrestling, the ropes are where some of the most intense action takes place. Wrestlers can bounce off them, climb them, use them to execute other holds...and, even though these are illegal, use them to choke their opponents, rake their eyes, or bind their arms in order to incapacitate them . Here are just a few examples. (More images coming soon.)
Warren Brady vs Leon Shah

Johnny Silver (bottom right)

Anthony Nese

JJ Garrett

The ropes are a good place to catch your breath.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Here's Mike Bennett (with Maria Kannellis) in Ring Of Honor's War of the Worlds sold-out event held last May 17th in New York. Bennett's opponent is Japanese wrestler Hiroshi Tanahashi. Even though Tanahashi won the match, Bennett described the experience as "one of the coolest moments in my career...truly an honor to be there with the best." (Photos by Scott Finkelstein)

Mike And Maria In Wonderland

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Anthony Nese Vs. AJ Styles

Here are some images from a recent match between "The Premiere Athlete" Anthony Nese and former TNA star A.J. Styles. This was one of the bouts featured in IWC's Night of Superstars 3 event held in Meadville, PA.

Styles won the match.