Monday, June 29, 2015

Five Years Ago This Month : Rene Dupree

Remember former WWE Superstar Rene Dupree? He was featured in this blog quite often in June 2010. Here are some of the most memorable images of "The French Tickler."


Muscle Monday : Matt Sigmon

Here's personal-trainer-by-day/professional-wrestler-by-night Matt Sigmon, currently on the roster of National Wrestling Alliance (NWA) and one-half of the tag team The Heatseekers. Watch him in action in this match from 2014.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Five Years Ago This Month : Euro Beef

Here are three beefcake wrestlers from Europe who were featured in this blog back in June 2010. Emil Sitoci is still active in the European circuit, but I haven't found any current information about Nigel McGuinness and Domino.
Emil Sitoci (The Netherlands)

Nigel McGuiness (UK)

Domino (France)

Friday, June 26, 2015


I don't think I have to tell you what this post is about. Just check out the images and the subject title.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Pre-Match Style

What's your favorite type of pre-match gear? Which of these looks do you like most? Tell us in the Comments section below.
Tyler Tirva's vest

Tyler Hawke

Eli Vega

Roderick Strong's customised t-shirt

Eddie Ryan's cape

David Starr wants you to look at it.

Calvin Raines

Joey Janella's satin jacket

Bram (formerly Brandon T)

Nathan Cruz

Bad Bones

Doug Williams' vest with cape

Jeff Boom's...what is that? A folded-up t-shirt?