Saturday, April 29, 2017

Body Shots : Skin Art

A.J. Styles

Kieran Bruce

Chris Ridgeway

Maxwell Jacob Feinstein

Mick Moretti

Rude Boy Riley

Adam "Flex" Maxtead

Tommy End aka Aleister Black Michael Dante

Friday, April 28, 2017

Let's Watch Some Wrestling!

I watched a couple of matches on YouTube today and made some screen caps for your enjoyment. First up, WCPW's Exit Wounds event featuring a bout between Will Ospreay and Drew Galloway. This is an exciting match with a lot of action in and out of the ring. Here are screen caps from the first 10 minutes or so of said match.

Ospreay is business on top, wrestling on the bottom.

So that's what that tie is for.

Next, here's "Flawless" Blake Morris vs "The Machine" Sam Shields from June of last year. Both wrestlers are evenly matched and there's a lot of give and take between the two. Some of the moves could have been executed more flawlessly (no pun intended), but otherwise, it's nice to see these beefcakes going at each other in front of a small crowd.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Meet Jamie Diaz

Making his first appearance here on Beefcakes of Wrestling is former ECCW Vancouver Heavyweight Champion Jamie Diaz. Hailing from Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, 27 year old Diaz (6'1", 187 lbs.) has been a pro wrestler for 9 years now. Diaz began his in-ring career in December of 2007.  Watch him in this match which was uploaded to YouTube a couple of months ago.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Steinbolt's Trunks

As I said in my last post on Swedish wrestler Steinbolt, I'm late to the Steinbolt-in-trunks party. He made the switch from singlet to Speedo-style ring gear sometime last year and here are the photos in case you haven't seen what he looks like these days. In the first batch of pics, he's wearing bright yellow trunks underneath a sequinned full-length robe. In the second batch, he's wearing a black pair with a bit of sheen.  Which color/pair do you think suits him better?

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Body Shots : Making An Entrance

Charlie Sterling aka Charlie Garrett

Dirty Money


Danny Ramons

Cam Zagami with unidentified wrestler

Bryan Douglas

Adrian Matthews

Robbie E aka Robe Eckos

Chris Basso