Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Davey Richards, M.D.?

If you've ever wondered why I haven't uploaded any new Davey Richards pics here, it's because I haven't seen him post anything wrestling-related on his social media accounts. In the early years of this blog, Richards was one of my favorites and I featured him here quite often. He was pretty busy in the independent scene (especially with Ring Of Honor), not just as a Singles competitor, but as half of a tag team with Eddie Edwards. When he and Edwards signed up with TNA Impact, he didn't seem to be as visible online as he used to. Eventually, his posts on social media started dwindling and there was barely anything about him I could post as a story here. After looking into why this happened, I learned that Richards has become a full-time student in pursuit of a medical degree. So from full-time wrestler/part-time student, he's flipped the script and became a full-time student/part-time wrestler. "School needs to come first," he says in this article (dated September 6, 2017). He became a paramedic 4 years ago and is continuing his education to become a critical care medic for intensive care unit cases. Who knows? Someday, we may be referring to him as Doctor Davey Richards. To honor this tough competitor who has the most intense facial expressions, let's look back at some photos of his remarkable career in the squared circle.

That time Richards wrestled for

Camping it up with Joey Ryan.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Body Shots : In & Out Of The Ring

Prince Devitt aka Finn Balor
Robert Roode

Tristan Archer

Broderick Shaw

Joel Redman

Sless Taylor and Bryen Douglas


Clutch Adams

Austin Aries


Monday, January 29, 2018

Muscle Monday : Frankie Flow and Primo Scordino

It's two-for-one today. Yup, I'm featuring not one, but two independent muscle wrestlers who have been featured here before in omnibus posts, but who haven't received "the full treatment." First up is "The Puerto Rican Beast" Frankie Flow. Flow is the CEO, owner, and promoter of Legendary Action Wrestling. The 5'8", (weight not given) New Jersey native (originally from Brooklyn, New York) made his pro debut 8 years ago this month and has wrestled for  many independent companies. He turned 42 years old last week. Of all his opponents, there is one who stands out because...well, because he happens to be his son, Junior. You can watch their match here.

Our second featured wrestler is Primo Scordino from Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. The 5'9", 224 pounder is not just a wrestler, he's also a competitive bodybuilder. He made his pro debut in 2004 and has wrestled for companies like Great Canadian Wrestling, Canadian Wrestling Federation, National Wrestling Alliance, and many others. Watch him in a match against Tyler Tirva here (circa 2016).

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Breaking News : EC3 in WWE

It's confirmed. Ethan Carter III, better known as EC3, has left TNA for WWE. He'll be appearing in the NXT franchise very soon. Watch his first interview here.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Last Place I Expected To Find Pro Wrestling

If someone had told me before that there is a pro wrestling scene in Nepal, I probably wouldn't have believed them. That is, until I saw the pictures and videos. You see, I've always thought of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal as a peaceful, unassuming, developing South Asian country. I associate the country, especially its capital and largest city, Kathmandu, as a place where people go for spiritual discovery. One doesn't always see news about Nepal, unless perhaps it involves the Earth's highest mountain, Mount Everest, which is located there. But lo and behold, there is pro wrestling in Nepal and there are a handful of Nepalese wrestlers. While doing research for this blog,  I happened to come across the Nepal Ring Wrestling Association's Facebook page and boy, was I surprised. The promotion looks relatively new and I believe they have a few locals on their roster. As with a few other wrestling companies in Asia, the promoters often book foreign talent to compete against the homegrown talents. You have to be in awe of how scrappy and dedicated the local wrestlers are. In this outdoor match between Koju and Nuwakote Tiger, the wrestlers don't even seem to have "proper" locker rooms. There's even some WWE-style backstage drama that takes place before the match, complete with an underhanded attack on one of the competitors (in fairness, they do a pretty solid job of selling the drama). I love coming across stories like this. Knowing that professional wrestling has reached almost every corner of the world gives me hope that the spectacle we love will be around for a long, long time.