Monday, May 31, 2021

Corvin's Selfies

 Irish wrestler Damien Corvin has been posting quite a lot of selfies on his Instagram lately. He's made some impressive gains on his physique and just wants to show his fans the results of all his hard work.

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Body Shots: In The Ring


Finn Balor (fka Prince Devitt)

Charlie Sterling (fka Charlie Garrett)

Robbie Thorpe

Chris Dickinson

Daiki Inaba & Kaito Kiyomiya

Karl Fredericks

Brian Pillman Jr.

Mike Bennett

Friday, May 28, 2021

Hey, Buster

This is American independent wrestler Buster Jackson's first feature here on BCoW. The 36-year-old from New Jersey made his in-ring debut in 2014 and has wrestled in matches for Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW), WrestlePro, Impact Wrestling, and several other promotions. Watch Jackson wrestle Nikos Rikos in this WrestlePro match and this Triple Threat match both from 2019.


Thursday, May 27, 2021

Beefcakes of Lucha: Angel de Oro

 Here's Consejo del Mundo Lucha Libre (CMLL) luchador Angel de Oro (Golden Angel). 

Wednesday, May 26, 2021


With the exception of one wrestler, I haven't been able to identify the other wrestlers in these six images. If you can ID them for me, please do so in the Comments section.

Olly Lloyd

Kip Sabian ??? (topmost)

Kip Sabian ???

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Ciao, Bello

Today's featured beefcake is Italian wrestler Nico Inverardi (fka Nick Lenders).

Monday, May 24, 2021

Body Shots: Making An Entrance


Sean Custom

Anthony Nese

Cedric Alexander

Mac Daniels
Rohit Raju

Adam Page

Dexter Lumis (fka Sam Shaw)

Karl Fredericks