Monday, January 4, 2016

Muscle Monday : Meet Justin "The Hammer" Sysum

Making his first appearance here on Beefcakes of Wrestling, please welcome Justin "The Hammer" Sysum. Hailing from Gloucester, England, Sysum stands 6 ft. 1 in. tall and weighs 210 pounds. You can watch him in action against TNT's Bram (formerly known as Brandon T) in this Pro Evolution Wrestling match held two months ago and against Jack Starz in this Legacy Wrestling match held back in April.


  1. He looks amazing! And what a very cool cape.

  2. He looks so much like my nephew! In fact I posted some of these Images on his FB Timeline and teased that I didn't know that he was wrestling in the UK. My nephew's name is Justin, too.

    The Hammer doesn't have his own entry at Cagematch, but the promotion lists some show results and he's doing very well. He's won their championship twice.

    He and his brother-in-law had and may still have a business installing lawns.

    He competed nationally in the hammer throw, thus his gimmick. He's described as also having been an "American footballer." Did he play soccer here or did he play American-style football somewhere?

    Some time ago he started growing his hair long. A friend said he looked like a pro wrestler. He lived either 5 minutes or 5 miles from the ProEvolution training school, so he decided to try out. And voilĂ ! A career is begun!
