Saturday, May 7, 2016

Beefcakes In Action : UK Edition

Continuing yesterday's theme of British beefcake, here are some great action shots from the UK which were taken over the last few months.
Chris "The Shark" Andrews

Mark Haskins

Charlie Garrett (in green)

Charlie Garrett (in gold)

Iestyn Rees (left)

Mark Haskins 

Mark Haskins (right)

And even more Mark Haskins.


  1. Nice blog. I've noticed for a while that you only post photos of British lads from West Midlands and Southwest. Absolutely no representation from the huge wrestling scene in Yorkshire. Leeds and Grimsby are well known as centers of professional wrestling. Why the omissions?

    1. Not to speak for Bruno, but why not suggest some blog-worthy representatives? Anon.

    2. I tried to find info on promotions based those cities, but the only one I could find was _Raw Deal Wrestling, but there's a real dearth of photos.

      This could why bruno hasn't had anything to post.

    3. When I come across "under covered" promotions and/or matches, I e-mail Bruno where to find them, and he is always gracious in response to such suggestions. If you know, why not let the readership in on where to find goldmines. The recent treasures of Russian goodies furnishe an example of what can come of sharing knowledge rather than lamenting the lack of coverage of some as-yet untapped source(s) of joy. TT

    4. It's not a deliberate omission. I simply was not aware there were promotions in these places. I would love to check out the wrestlers and the scene there. Please provide me with links and names. Thanks!

  2. Chris 'Shark' Andrews I'm getting my tattoo lasered so need to keep it covered just after a session.

    1. Meant to comment on that on the previous posting. The work seems to have been going on for a while. I guess that location gets a lot of contact in a match. Anon.

  3. Replies
    1. Ditto! Three cheers for Charlie Garrett!

  4. Nice views and angles.

  5. Who's the hottie in the white trunks in the last photo?

    1. I've featured him on this blog before but I can't seem to recall his name (that's what happens when you feature dozens of beefcake wrestlers over the span of five years). Can anyone refresh my memory?

    2. Looks like it's Zack Sabre Jr. That's a nice sexy shot of him

  6. Who's the muscle jobber in cyan blue with the flexed back towards us in pic 5??

  7. Welp, I'm no longer interested as I have a case of "he looks hotter from behind."

    In case anyone's still interested in IDing him, I guess he's part Irish Wrestling (, but he doesn't seem to be listed under the superstars section.

    Now I want to know who these people are under this same promotion:
    - masked, red/white/blue, stars&stripes, great body
    - here's another hot photo of him
    - hot cute muscle boy, though he has some tatts
    - another pic of him, from the backside

  8. I believe this guy was already discussed on this blog. Rw&b is the very originally named "American Wrestling Warrior," although I maintain that his trunks are actually the old Yugoslavian flag. And, like the design on his trunks, he is also not American, but actually wrestler Luther Ward in a mask, as you can tell from the tattoo on his tummy. Anon.
