Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Dirty Daddy

Who's your Dirty Daddy? Why, Chris Dickinson, of course. He's gone through quite the physical transformation in these past few months. Check out his recent social media pics, including the first one posted here. Twitter: @DirtyDickinson Instagram: @BornDirtyDieDirty


  1. Massive muscles. Tiny trunks. Huge package. He knows what his fans want. How does that speedo hold in his junk? Also, he needs a rematch with Cage on Thunders Arena. Crank the heat up and let them get busy sweating, grappling, and flexing.

  2. Nice body but small booty.

  3. I have been in LOVE with this man...and I mean MAN, since the first time I laid eyes on him, some years ago. Masculine from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet...PERFECTION LIKE THAT OF NO OTHER MAN !!!

  4. That first Image! What a fantastic, positive transformation.
