Thursday, August 26, 2021

His Legacy

American wrestler Sean Legacy recently dropped a set of new promo pics showcasing his more muscular, defined physique and he looks amazing. Watch him in this 2020 AEW match against the beefier Will Hobbs.



  1. Legacy always looked great, but his "new" pics have been out for a while, since he did a bodybuilding competition, I think at the end of 2020. Unfortunately, there are no match vids out there showing off the more ripped look. The latest is the QUICK squash by Hobbs from last fall. Would think he'd want to publicize the improved look. Anon.

  2. Selling his ring gear if anyone is interested

    1. Don't really remember him ever wearing red, but I could be wrong. Not that I'm in the market, but it would be smart if the seller included a pic of him wearing the trunks.
      Legacy had what looked like expensive gear with "Galaxies only hero" on it, before he noticed the typo (i.e., Galaxy's). Anon.

  3. He really is one of the best looking wrestlers out there. Hope to see more of him in the future.
