Friday, September 9, 2022

Flashback: Charlie Sterling

When I first started featuring English wrestler Charlie Sterling on this blog, he was still wrestling as Charlie Garrett. Garrett/Sterling made his in-ring debut ten years ago and has been wrestling not just for various UK promotions, but European ones as well. Watch Garrett/Sterling face off against BCoW favorites in these matches: Fabio Ferrari, Rampage Brown, Kay Jutler, Iestyn Rees, and Chris "The Shark" Andrews.

With Chris "The Shark" Andrews

Sterling in 2022


  1. Isn't Garrett/Sterling the son of Brit pro T Bone? (The last photo suggests a radical change in his appearance. Not for the better, in my opinion.)

    1. Yes, he is! I was just about to post that! Great minds think alike (including your comment on his current appearance).

  2. Here's another side of Charlie (surprisingly well tanned). Anon.
