Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Mini-Post: Preston Vance

Goodbye, mask and body paint. Read about Preston Vance, I mean Perro Peligroso's new name and look here.


  1. Like it, although I would prefer he go back to short trunks. He has great legs. Does anyone else think he has gotten chunkier since adopting the mask (see this old match below)? Anon.

  2. Loving this gimmick change as he was going nowhere as "10" of the Dark Order.

    Maybe it's because of what happened in this early AEW match with Darby Allin is why he's hesitant to wear trunks again? Who knows: (skip to 5:24)

    1. Agree, agree. Not sure what you mean about the trunks, just watched the video again. He looked magnificent, and his white underwear peaking out from the green trunks was a plus IMO. The only other lesson that is obvious is don't wrestle someone who wears massive amounts of makeup. Yuck. Anon.

    2. I had to watch a few times before I got it. He does a really good job of hiding it as does the camera somehow. At 5:24 you can see it, but if you freeze frame at 5:26 then you really see it Wow great job original commenter seeing this as I totally would've missed it if I just watched this normally!
