Thursday, March 16, 2017

Familiar Faces

 Everyone knows that being a professional wrestler in the independent circuit doesn't pay much. So how do some of our Beefcakes of Wrestling favorites pick up some extra cash using their skills and looks? The answer is: appear in gay-oriented wrestling videos for the likes of BG East and Cameron Matthews. Here are some familiar faces who have made videos for former independent wrestler Cameron Matthews' company Wrestler4Hire.
Randy Summers wrestles as Chet Chastain.

 Kharn Alexander wrestles as KARN

Chasyn Rance wrestles as Chase Sinn. (Here with KARN)

Chase Sinn.
Tyler Nitro wrestles as Tyler Royce.

Tyler's backside.

Cam Zagami wrestles as Cam Zagucci.

Chris Dickinson wrestles as Guido Genatto.

See any other familiar faces here?

All images are from Cameron Matthews' Instagram page and the Wrestler4Hire website.


  1. I'll take anything with Kharn Alexander anyway I can get it.

  2. I always think Randy Summers is going to be the small one, but he quite holds his own especially in that last pic.

  3. I bet the queen who gave Randy Summers that wrestling name is a big Jessica Chastain fan.

    I would go by "Daryl Streep," obviously.

  4. Can't blame a guy for doing what he can to make ends meet. Though clearly some of these guys enjoyed what they were doing, even a little. Though perhaps not as much as I'm enjoying that shot of Tyler Nitro's ass right now...

  5. Always nice to know how to follow a guy in the Pro wrestling indies who is wrestling at BG East or Wrestle4Hire or Thunder's Arena or MDW. Who is Mark Muscle?...performing at the same three gay wrestling sites. Any other wrestlers we ought to know about?

  6. I don't recall their Wrestler4Hire names, but a few other pretty good indy guys who have appeared in their videos include Ace Perry, Bret Havoc and Stevie Fierce.

  7. Ace Owens is Ace Perry
    Colin Havok is Bret Havoc

  8. I was watching a Rock Hard Wrestling DVD with Josh Steele when I suddenly realized that he is a gay porn performer, Tom Fulk. Nor exactly what this post is about, but I was a bit surprised, so I thought that the d mention it. He does a decent job in the ring.
