Wednesday, December 27, 2017

New To Beefcakes of Wrestling (2017 Recap)

Here's a recap of the beefcake wrestlers who made their debut in this blog in 2017. Not all these men are new to pro wrestling; some just came to my attention this year even though they've been around for a few years already. I hope to feature all of these beefcakes even more in 2018.

Karl Fredericks


Clark Connors

Jeremy Foster

Matthew Palmer

Toni "Tiger" Harting


Adrian Matthews

Cezar Bononi

Luke Menzies

Eric Bugenhagen

Randall Floyd

Jamie Diaz
Bradford Montague 


  1. Nice recap and a reminder of how much new meat is always coming in. It's easy to get locked into favorites, but there are always hot beef you just haven't come acquainted with yet!

  2. are tucker and bradford montague brothers from a different mother?
