Monday, July 20, 2020

Beefcakes of Lucha: Volador Jr.

This is the second dedicated post featuring Mexican luchador Volador, Jr.  Unlike most other luchadores, Volador Jr. doesn't seem to have a signature look for the ring. He goes through a lot of costumes and masks which may make it difficult for non-lucha followers to identify him. It makes me wonder how much closet space he has at home for all his gear, masks, boots, and assorted paraphernalia.


  1. Those little tights

  2. much hotter with the beard woof

  3. Handsome man with a fine ass body. As always, I prefer the shorter hair

  4. I usually don't go off topic, but John Cena's striptease starting here on John Oliver this week definitely stirred up some attention in me. He's definitely #1 on my free pass list as of this moment lol
