Friday, August 14, 2020

Body Shots: On The Ropes

Drew Galloway

John Cena

Apollo Crews (formerly known as Uhaa Nation)

Chris Andrews

Ahtu Najeeb

Victor Boer

Dan Moloney

Shane Thorne (formerly known as Shane Haste)

Chris Dickinson

Steve Summer


  1. Also many hot men to choose from

  2. Would love to see more Chris Andrews. Unff that man is has so much muscle

    1. I agree! Chris Andrews is quite a spectacle to behold. I never understood why he didn't get any bigger, no pun intended. His matches are gorgeous. Love a match he did with Chris Masters a while ago in the Indies. What is Chris Andrews up to these days?

    2. Not sure, but I vaguely recall he started spending more time with family as he became a dad. Definitely can't get enough of this man though
