Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Cruz Control

Question: Should American independent wrestler and former marine Jordan Cruz keep the facial hair or stay clean-shaven? What do you think?

Cruz vs Chris Dickinson 


  1. He looks great both ways. For me it is more important that he keeps the hair and/or beard neat. I find long, stringy, oily hair and bushy Amish-style beards to be distractions that can spoil my enjoyment of even a fine physique. Anon.

  2. I need to find that match with Chris Dickinson.

  3. He is incredibly good looking. He's one guy that facial hair looks good on. I'm happy either way.

  4. I would usually say clean shaven, but on him the short facial hair works. However, I think he's much better with short, neat hair rather than the looser wavy look

  5. Haha, I've been obsessing over this guy recently and didn't realize there was yesterday!

    I been enjoying the extra facial hair surprisingly. My vote is more of him haha

  6. The longer, wavy hair and beard gives me a young Don Muraco vibe. 💦
