Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Let Go

 Longtime contributor and good friend of this blog, David scoured his extensive collection of photos taken at WWE & NXT events and put together this compilation of wrestlers that WWE let slip through their fingers. WWE doesn't usually tell us why they let a particular wrestler go and in many cases, it makes you wonder what they were thinking when they did. Here are some of the wrestlers who used to be on the roster of WWE/NXT. (Thanks for sharing your work with us, David!)


Hugo Knox

Simon Grimm 

Mikey Nicholls 

Mohammed Fahim

Conrad Tanner (aka Kyle Rasmussen)
Cezar Bononi 

Dan Matha

Alex Riley


  1. Just look at EC3, Hugo Knox and Alex Riley. WWE were mad letting these guys go. According to Alex Riley John Cena knifed him in the back because of some back-stage stuff but they shouldn't have just taken Cena's word. All 3 of these guys have enormous talent and even more potential but WWE never knew how to harness it. Very sad. They are all greatly missed. At the same time they keep guys on that aren't nearly as talented.

  2. What's even more odd is, in the past, they've pushed other athletes purely for aesthetic purposes, despite their lack of ability to actually wrestle or hype the crowd on the mic. There were entire characters that didn't even speak, just stood there and looked imposing. It's a shame they didn't do that with these guys.

  3. alex riley what a hunk , i miss so much everytime he was squashed in wwe , his tiny trunks made may day , great posts thanks , please dont forget about traps wellington , he is smoking hot
