Monday, October 24, 2022

Flashback Mini-Post: The Gemini Trojans

I wonder what ever became of The Gemini Trojans, the American tag team who wrestled for independent promotions circa 2007-2009? You don't often see twin brother tag teams in the wrestling ring, especially bodybuilder types. They were "rebranded" a couple of times, once as The Heavenly Kingdom, wherein they portrayed Evaneglical heels and then as some kind of pseudo-German villains. You can watch some of their matches as The Heavenly Kingdom on their YouTube Channel and a short preview of The Gemini Trojans vs another tag team here.

Josh Trojan vs Jeremy Trojan


  1. LOVE the gear
    they chose to wrestle each other.....MMMM

  2. The Nazi/Nietzsche-inspired gimmick, "Das Übermenschen" was pretty awful (aside from being bad German, as a plural it should be "Die Übermenschen"). I wonder why the obvious "twin" bodybuilders thing wasn't considered a big enough draw. It's not like there are a lot of them in wrestling, I can think of the Coles/Kohls and the not-so-swole Riegels. Anon.
