Friday, October 28, 2022

Old School Beefcake: Rick McGraw

One of my favorite wrestlers of the 1980s was WWF*s 'Quick Draw" Rick McGraw (1955-1985). McGraw may not have had the height nor stature of many of the other WWF Superstars (at 5'7"/170cm, he was considered short), but he had a powerful build and was the clean-cut, All-American face of the WWF. Read more about his in-ring career here. There aren't many images of McGraw found online that I haven't posted here before, so I made screenshots from one of his matches. Watch it here (McGraw's match starts at around the 17:00 mark). 

(Watch how the opponent slides his hand up McGraw's beefy back.)


  1. Wow, thanks for the spotlight on this guy!

    And that build would be hot for any height! Almost hotter that he's normal height as he'd be a thicc meatball to behold 😈

  2. Remember him fondly, esp. back in those days when those really muscular guys were fewer and farther between. He had to job regularly, and I think WWF appreciated his small stature because it made the beatdowns he got more believable. Unlike some others (thinking of Kenny Kendall, hint, hint), at least he got to win a few matches. Anon.
