Friday, December 29, 2023

Treasure Chest: Steve Gibki

I haven't been featuring American independent wrestler Steve Gibki because in his current wrestling persona as Dark STG, his face, chest, and arms are covered in grotesque monster make-up. His features are completely hidden and I don't even want to post an image here because...why cover all that muscle up? Gibki is also a competitive bodybuilder and when he's not off-season, he's super shredded. In these images from a match circa 2020, Gibki shows off his treasure chest in a blue singlet. The straps of the singlet frame his pecs really well, don't you think?

Recent pic of Gibki


  1. Massive mountains of pec meat! And you're right, the singlet frames them very well, great find Bruno!! :D

  2. that's a Tristan Archer level of pec, perhaps even more.. definitely worth ogling :p
