Wednesday, July 1, 2020

A Word About Leaving Comments

New rule, Beefcake aficionados.  I've started deleting negative comments about the wrestlers that are made by readers who are identified only as "Anonymous." If you feel that you have to something critical to say about a wrestler's body, use your Google account name to leave your comment. "Anonymous" comments smack of trolling to me. I'm very appreciative of the wrestlers who put their lives at risk to entertain us and seeing them being criticized because something about their bodies doesn't meet someone's standards of what a beefcake is just doesn't sit well with me. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


  1. Good rule. There are enough haters in the world, as it is.

  2. That is a sexy pic. Do u know what match it's from?

    1. The wrestler in this photo is Shreddybrek. Sorry, I don't know what match this is from.

    2. sheddybrek. His head looks good in a can. Thanks
