Saturday, July 4, 2020

This 'N That

The theme for this batch of This 'N That images is stuff that's been waiting to be posted since...oh, maybe some of these go as far back as 2016, if not earlier. If you aren't familiar with some or all of these wrestlers, click on their names in the Labels section at the bottom to see their older posts (except for Ryan Lord, Joe Pittman, Dax Anthony).
Matt Walsh

Mike Dell

JJ Garrett

Daisuke Sekimoto

Jaxon Jarvis

Joe Pittman

Dirty Money

The Big O with Roddy Piper

The Riegel Twins

Ryan Lord

Mega Muerte

Down Boyz
Mike Bennett
Kay Jutler

Dax Anthony


  1. JJ is a little cutie

  2. Joe Pittman is a hottie. A good wrestler and fantastic on the mike.

  3. Wow! You HAVE been sitting on some of these for a long time! Aside from retirements (joe Pittman, e.g.), some of these guys have really transformed themselves. The Down Boyz put on a lot of pounds and muscle and became the Jersey Muscle Society and have gone through at least two break ups. See them now, fighting each other. Anon.:
