Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Luke At These

Thanks to longtime contributor and good friend of this blog David for sharing another set of awesome photos he took at a NXT event prior to lockdown. This set is devoted to British wrestler Ridge Holland (formerly known as Luke Menzies), the beefy ex-rugby player with an old-time Eastend brawler gimmick. Thanks, David, for being so generous with your work. Stay safe!

Holland's opponent here is Jake Atlas.


  1. Love the little tights

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He's from West Yorkshire - don't think he'd appreciate the Eastend London comment !

  4. LOVE the trunks and no kneepads combination. Especially when they have thick legs like Luke!

  5. I really like watching Ridge wrestle. He's like the heels of the 70s and 80s - just a very good brawler. Nice body and good gimmick although I'd like to see him go further and use his billy club occasionally on an opponent.
