Monday, May 13, 2019

Muscle Monday: Jessie Godderz and Rob Terry

While browsing YouTube, I came across this 2012 clip featuring TNT Impact muscle beefcakes Jessie Godderz and Rob Terry. What started out as a "Bro-off" between former tag team partners Godderz and Robbie E (aka Rob Eckos) turned into a pose down between the American former reality TV star and the Welsh strongman. Watch how it all went down here.



  1. Sorry to see Jessie G. gone from wrestling, hopefully he'll squash that Hollywood bug and return to the sport he was so good at. He was good as a face and even better as a heel. Too bad his talents were wasted at Impact even though he thanks Impact for his start.

  2. 2 magnificent physiques. It's a shame that Rob Terry wasn't a better wrestler. He tended to be slow and cumbersome. Not that it mattered too much with that body on display.
