Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Return of Cody Vance (Part 2)

Here are more pics of American independent wrestler Cody Vance (aka Vanilla Vance aka Preston Vance) in his famous green ring gear.


  1. That 9th pic is my favorite of these gorgeous shots.

  2. I love it when wrestlers give the fans bicep shots, especially during a match, single or double, all good.

    But when someone has the physique Vance has and delivers the wimpy sort of thing we see in #5, it's so disappointing. Especially in the ring.

  3. Of these lovely pics #9 is my favorite.

  4. Thanks, Bruno! For those who would like to view his match on AEW:

    A question for those with greater knowledge than I: What is the black tape that many wrestlers wear in the ring? Vance has it in pics 7, 8, and, most visibly, 9. I am guessing that normally it has some sort of therepeutic value, but the wrestlers seem to wear it as decoration. Anon.

  5. Be not too bad looking would like to see him in something other than green
