Friday, July 17, 2020


Thanks to longtime contributor and good friend of this blog David for sharing yet another set of photos he took at a NXT event prior to the WWE pandemic shutdown. These amazing photos are of Tino Sabatelli who, if you recall, was sidelined for months due to an injury. No sooner does Tino make his comeback when Covid-19 forces all WWE shows (not to mention all shows from independent promotions) to shut down. At least we know he can wrestle again and that we'll be seeing him in the ring again sometime soon. Thanks, David, for always being so generous with your work.


  1. That 4th picture, swoon

  2. As of this past Wednesday, all the wrestlers let go by WWE are permitted to sign or wrestle with other promotions, NXT wrestlers, I think, were permitted to go out on their own in mid-May, so now that we are starting to see more indie shows again, I am hoping Tino will pop up. Anon.

  3. He definitely wears the superman pentagon better than Verna. Would love to see those two go toe-to-toe (or dick-to-dick haha)
