Friday, July 19, 2024

Body Shots: Making An Entrance

Jacked Jameson

Joe Hendry

Bron Brekker

Riley Osborne (aka Josh Morrell)

Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo

Jack Dullahan

Joel Redman

Dave Stage


  1. I'm usually oogling over any Redman pics, but damn my eyes wander to these other fuckin studs

    Love Jacked Jameson's new moniker as it's very fitting and glad he's not hiding his legs anymore

    Dave Stage is looking hot as usual and love that he's barefoot now. I would not have expected that from him

  2. That smile on Joe Hendry, Angel Garza and barefoot Dave Stage

  3. Joe Hendry really does stand out :3 pretty smile, sexy body
