Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bye Bye Blonde

Do blondes really have more fun? Independent American wrestler Royce Isaacs probably doesn't think so anymore. He stopped dying his hair blonde and seems to have gone "natural." What do we think of Royce's non-blonde look?

With tag team partner Jorel Nelson

Isaacs vs Pat Monix


  1. Don't care what color his hair is he's still the best looking piece of meat on here

  2. I like him better as a Blonde..More of a bad ass guy even arrogant the gimmick..He is a great wrestler and a great Beefcake

  3. Nice body and great tights!

  4. Sad to say something is really missing with the current Royce. He’s always been one of my favorites but since he lost the blonde hair I haven’t been watching his matches anymore. :( wish him all the best though, still a very handsome and charming guy- but without his blonde hair, he’s not really ticking my boxes anymore...

    1. I agree. Blondy is better.Hope he changes his mine an be very bad hombre.

  5. I do not really care if he is blonde or not. Just do not lose or get rid of those really nice silver shorts!Yep!
