Monday, July 14, 2014

Barretta vs. Nese

Last week, I posted a set of photos that my good friend and longtime contributor to this blog Jim from Chicago emailed me featuring Anthony Nese and Trent Barretta in a match held last month at the annual 6 Corners BBQ festival in Illinois. Here are more pics from that match -- this time with former WWE superstar Barretta in focus. Thanks for the pics, Jim! I can't wait to see what you'll photograph next.


  1. Trent Barretta is looking better than ever here
    ...and Tony Nese, well he is looking like like Nese (aka, always hot!)
    Thanks Jim for these pics.

  2. Trent has one of the best sets of pecs in wrestling. Watching that chest and Tony Nese's legs and ass - this a real dream match up.

    1. Trent's "best friend" Chuck Taylor recently call them "meat tits" or something similarly insulting on Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling podcast. In some pics they do almost resemble women's flatish breasts...

  3. Lose the long pants !
