Saturday, November 4, 2017

Vintage Beefcake : Bill Melby

Through the years, pro wrestling has been a venue for bodybuilders to showcase their strength and physiques. One such bodybuilder-turned-wrestler was Bill Melby, one of the superstars of wrestling back in the 1950s. If you do an internet search on Melby, you'll see that not only was he popular as a wrestler, he was also known for his physique modelling photographs (some of which I'm reposting here). You can read more about him here. Watch him in action here and here.

With Steve Reeves (Hollywood actor who starred in Hercules)


  1. Great footage of classic beef. Thanks! Good, honest rasslin without the flash you see today. It's interesting to look back at wrestling from the 50s, 60s, and 70s and not really see the high flying acrobatics of today.

  2. You mentioned it, but I was watching a documentary about male physique models/bodybuilders called "The Perfect Physique" and they mentioned Bill Melby as one of the guys people aspired to during this time. I thought he may have done movies too ...
