Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Ch-Ch-Changes: Jamie Stanley

Guess I missed the memo about American independent wrestler Nick Stanley changing his in-ring name to Jamie Stanley. Aside form the name change, he now also sports a full head of blonde hair. To find out where he'll be appearing, check out his personal webpage here.


  1. Not sure why a wrestler would change an already-established name, although based on the name of his Youtube channel I believe that "Jamie" is his real name. Perhaps he wants to distance himself from the old Nick Stanley, an extreme "face" who would come out in semi-Roman costume hand out a flower to a woman (a "Stanley Sweetheart") before each match. See below. He is now more ripped and has a nice edge. Anon.

    1. Oh wow, so this is the same Nick Stanley as the one from all these years ago in these matches?

      I wondered what happened to him

      Well, that's too bad as I really liked his sweet face persona

  2. Didnt he use to wrestle in tighty whities?

    1. Not really. He generally had single-color, brief-style trunks, but the color varied a bit. I remember him being in red a lot. He may have worn white ones for a few matches. Anon.
