Friday, August 24, 2018

Flashback Friday: Jo Atlas

Ah, Jo Atlas. Sadly, the French bodybuilder/wrestler didn't have a long career in the squared circle. After a few years of being one of the most imposingly-built wrestlers in France, Atlas moved to the USA to pursue a career in fitness modeling, bodybuilding, and acting.  I don't know how he's fared since then, but if he ever wants to return to professional wrestling, I think his fans wouldn't mind.

Atlas and Phenomenal Khent had a fierce rivalry in France.
Watch one of their matches here.

Atlas wasn't one to shy away from making fetish
bearhug videos. 


  1. FYI:

  2. I once saw a nude of him. It was shaded over his cock, but you could clearly see the outline. It was impressively proportional.

  3. I need to get a thesaurus to come up with new words for how fine this man is

  4. Where could one find those bear hug videos if one were searching for them?
