Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Hot One on "Tough Enough"

We don't get WWE's reality series "Tough Enough" where I'm from, so I'm not up to speed with what's happening on the show. I did check out the cast online and spotted one wrestler who hasn't been featured yet (I missed the boat on this one) on Beefcakes of Wrestling. It's Luke Robinson who wrestled as "Golden Boy" Bobby Robinson for NWA. Some of you may even recognize him as BG East's Donnie Drake.  A few days ago, the Ring-Rap website brought up Luke's BG East connection and I wonder what WWE management (who I'm sure knew about it) and the fans think of the whole thing. Will it hurt Lucas's chances of winning the show? He's been touted as a favorite to win. Guess we'll have to wait and see.


  1. also reported the story here:

  2. Fan comments I've seen have been fairly supportive, but admittedly I intentionally stopped reading after five or six, lest I come across comments from morons.

  3. Holy crap, I had no idea Donnie Drake was on Tough Enough! Weird. I'd been avoiding Tough Enough because I don't like mean-spirited reality shows about losing and eliminations. But I don't know if this means I need to START watching to see Donnie, or to keep on NOT watching so that I don't have to see him get eliminated or yelled at by Steve Austin or whatever.

    And Joe, you are VERY wise. Often I've been trapped reading evil comments without the strength to just pull myself away, and it's enough to ruin your day if you let it.

    At first I liked this one guy I saw was on Tough Enough because he had long hair. But now I'm going for Donnie Drake. Go Donnie! (I mean Luke.)

  4. So far I've read nothing but supportive comments and even op-ed pieces online.

  5. WOW he fills out that silver suit well!

  6. people need to get over it geesh so he did a gay wrestling site his sexuality has nothing to do with his performance if he can be a great performer and wrestler than so be it we would be amazed how many big name wrestlers are probably gay in real life but have decided to not do the chris kanyon and come out.
