Saturday, March 23, 2013

One Night, Two Matches

Just the facts, ma'am: Anthony Nese. Two matches in one night. First, against Matt Vides. Then, after pinning Vides, an impromptu match with Pat Buck. Nese won both matches. Hurrah! (These photos were taken by Scott Finkelstein at Pro Wrestling Syndicate's Proving Ground show held on March 15 at Metuchen, New Jersey.)

Pass me the cheese. I found a grater.


  1. Hip-hip-hurrah! Three cheers for Nese, for Finckelstein, and for Pro Wrestling Syndicate!!!

    Let's continue to see more Tony and more of the Maverick winning!

    I hope these matches are on YouTube soon.

  2. Such a hot man, I'm glad they are starting to let him win some matches.

  3. How hot does he look? Tony is just stunning!!! Congrats on the wins - but please trim the beard.
