Monday, March 14, 2016

Muscle Monday : Brian Cage

Do I need to explain my choice of Cage as this week's Muscle Monday beefcake? ;-)

If you think Brian's big, look at the guy on the left.

Brian has also been busy making videos for Thunder's Arena. Last month, Ring Wars 15 was released with Brian facing off against a non-professional named Eagle.

And in Ring Wars 16, he goes up against a thick bodybuilder named Dozer.


  1. Granted, most images of Brian Cage show a sexy, healthy, muscleman.

    But what is going on in that fourth image from the top ? He looks scary and ugly, not very healthy. If that is the more recent photo, then he's over-doing it, and should give it a rest.

    1. I bet these are all recent photos. Big muscled guys like Cage can have different vascularity depending on the lighting, what they've eaten, if they just had a workout (as it looks like he has in that pic)

  2. Would love to see more Eagle. He looks very hot

    1. Was thinking the same thing. I think Brian has gone too far, but, since he wants to compete in bodybuilding, I guess that's where he has to be. Anon.
