Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Battle of The Bulges

A follower of this blog, David from Texas, emailed me these photos he found online of French muscleman-wrestler Domino in a match against Rene Dupree (at least I think it's Dupree, based on the bulge and the initials on his ring gear). Who is winning this battle of the bulges?


  1. Domino looks good, and yes that is a nice tool he's got in those trunks. Any videos of him on youtube?

  2. This looks like the same guy...

  3. Enjoy wrestling that meat!

  4. rene Dupree would win the bulge contest easily he id really big in the bulge area richard

  5. I saw Dupree an eligido have a chest fight. they stand chest normal up against each other and at the signal they expand theor muscular chests when eligido expanded his gorgeous chest he nearly knocked Dupree down and of course won the contest I would like to see more richard
