Friday, July 14, 2017

French Revolution

Today, the 14th of July, is La Fete National or National Day in France. More commonly known as Bastille Day, le 14 juillet commemorates the first anniversary of the Storming of The Bastille on July 14, 1789, a turning point of the French Revolution, as well as the Fete de la Federation which celebrated the unity of the French people in July 14, 1780 (source: Wikipedia). And speaking of French Revolution, look what's written on the back of French wrestler Tristan Archer's new ring gear.  The screenshots below are from Archer's recent match against good guy Senza Volto (oui, it would appear Archer is a heel now).  Thanks to tirelessYouTube contributor Beaury Mathieu for uploading  this video. Click here to watch the action.

This could be a Caption This! image.


  1. He is quite good looking, and if there are piledrivers involved...

  2. What is with those "dew-lap" things so many wrestlers are hanging on their trunks?
    But, as long as we are "vive-ing" things, how about "vive la différence"? Here's a June match, Archer against a woman. Some nice close-up shots. Anon.

  3. Love that piledriver shot too. So dominant.
