Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesdays With Tino

I've got two sets of Tino Sabatelli photos for all you beefcake aficionados out there. First up are exclusive pics of the former football player which were taken by longtime contributor to this blog David. David says Tino is one of his favorite subjects. Well, who wouldn't want to photograph this beefcake up close and personal? I know I'd be snapping away if I was there, too.

Next up are a few images from Sabatelli's Instagram page. You can see more of him here.


  1. Very nice!
    Maybe someone on here can please help me ID the wrestler on the right in this picture: http://pin.it/V_tRvcD

  2. A bit hard to tell (not sure whether I'm looking at the correct picture) because most of him is cut off, but I think it is Derek Sanders. Anon.

  3. Love Tuesdays with Tino! It's like TGIFridays but better!

    1. Recently someone (TT?), rightly commented that he looks too perfect, and that first pic makes him look like a "Stepford" wrestler. I hope the look is strong enough to carry him into regular TV tapings. Anon.

    2. And, he is now touring with NXT in Australia. Just found a vid of his tag team match in Perth. Don't watch if a shaky camera will annoy you. Anon.:
