Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hugo Knox vs Tino Sabatelli

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Thanks to longtime contributor David for these. (Who else wishes he could be like David and get up close to these two fine specimen?)

Knox won the match, but Tino's still smiling.


  1. Oh, to be there! I checked the match listing of the latest TV taping, and neither seems to be on it, so you just wonder when Tino will make a TV appearance. For house shows like the ones photographed here, Tino hasn't won once since May, and Hugo has been winning just about all his matches, suggesting he will be the one to get the push first(?). Anon.

  2. It seems like these two are inevitable which is great for them. Love the diamond on Tino's crotch. Knox is really trying lots of trunks it seems. Very interesting.

  3. Top marks for the first foto, of Knox. Sabatelli's "equivalent" shot has the same potential except for a giddy feeling that I am in the tower at Pisa--you know the one I mean.

    Those tatts on Knox need laser eradication so that the full beauty of his arms and torso are emphasized. Shen they are a memory, I wish that he would leave his wonderful skin a tabula rasa, but I would not be devastated if he then got a well-designed and applied tatt--if tatt he wants. He has a natural "somewhat flat" build, which reminds me of some of my chosen few: Bourne, Alex Riley, Miz, Dolph, Styles, Nasters, Lewington, Z Ryder. I fervently hope that the big timers will not trash him up as only they know how to do.

    Torrential downpour here today, but no water in my house, unlike Tuesday a weekl ago when I was under water in one room.

    I kept cozy looking at Alex writhe and struggle helplessly on the mat while seemingly restrained arms and feet as though entwined by one of the serpents which attacked Laocoon & sons. The uploader knew just what he was doing byh recording some of the action in hyper-erotic slo-mo.
