Sunday, February 5, 2012

Saturday Night Fever

Last night's WWFX Champions Showcase held in Manila was awesome! There were seven bouts in all including a title match between John Morrison (now billed as John Hennigan) and Shelton Benjamin. The other matches were as follows (the asterisk denotes who won): Billy Gun vs. Jimmy Yang*, Hurricane Helms* vs. Sheik Daivari, a Divas match between Jillian Hall and Melina*, Rhino* (surprisingly handsome up close) vs. Luke Gallow, Carlitos* vs. Snisky, Chris Masters vs. MVP* (now that these wrestlers are no longer with WWE, those who didn't "own" their ring names had to make subtle changes to their monikers, i.e. Billy Gunn is now Billy Gun, Carlito is now Carlitos, and so on). I would have to say that the biggest surprise for me was Billy Gun who, at 48 years old, looks amazing! The 275 pound man is built like a brick wall. Solid, massive, and not an ounce of fat on him. Of course, Chris Masters didn't disappoint. What a physique! Pictures don't do him see him in the flesh would make your jaw drop. It looks like there were rocks and boulders underneath his skin. Even though he lost to MVP, he flexed throughout the match and after the event, was one of two wrestlers who went shirtless at  the"meet-and-greet" with the fans (John Morrison was the other one). And speaking of Morrison aka John Hennigan, he won the WWFX Belt after defeating Shelton Benjamin (making a surprise turn as a heel) and the fans soaked it up. It was great to watch Morrison/Hennigan, the leanest wrestler on the show, do what he does best, that is, his trademark high-flying moves. All in all, it was  a Saturday night I won't forget. Hurrah, WWFX!

MVP vs. Chris Masters

John Morrison vs. Shelton Benjamin

John Morrison at the press conference.

Chris Masters - shirtless at the press conference.

Trust me, he looks a lot better in person.

File photo of Rhino.


  1. Thanks for the details! Sounds like a terrific night!

  2. Sounds like an awesome night buddy!!

  3. John Morrison is one of the few hunks that makes me love pro wrestling all the better. Billy Gun is one of the sexiest hunks ever. I do agree that he looks amazing. No wonder he called himself Mr. Ass years ago. What an butt!

  4. Glad you had fun! This show should have been called, "Look how stupid WWE is for firing all these people." And seriously, why would Chris Masters EVER wear a shirt?!
