Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super Sunday

Today is a big day for American football fans. It's Superbowl Sunday and a lot of pro football fans will tune in to their televisions to watch the game. Me, I don't quite understand the sport myself, although I do appreciate the fact that a lot of pro and amateur football players have gone on to make careers for themselves in professional wrestling. Like this guy, Mark Angelosetti aka Mr. Touchdown. Here, he faces ACH in Chikara's "Under The Hood" IPPV show held last December 12, 2012 in Philadelphia, PA. (Photos by Scott Finkelstein)


  1. I've only been to two live matches in my life. Mid-West Wrestling had a local show last summer and Mark was in it. I really enjoyed his match and the brief conversation afterwards. Nice guy to a dazzled fan.

    The other show was years ago. I went to see Paul Orndorff. Remember that blast from the past? Great physique, wonderful attitude.

  2. Now if American footballers looked like him in this outfit, I would stay up until the early hours to watch the superbowl.
    But hope the Americans on here enjoy Superbowl night, from me here in UK

    1. If you mean American footballers should play shirtless, then yeah, I'd be watching that, too.

  3. In many places rugby players get together for naked rugby. It wouldn't work here for American football. While some players would look great there'd be too many who'd more likely induce nausea.

    Naked hockey might work! :)
